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I was an attorney living in New Jersey. I moved to Texas with my husband and now stay home with our toddler and infant. So, why not start a blog, right?

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Nutritarian Chocolate Dip

I can't give up chocolate. I've tried in the past. I always fail. However, I have decided to try to be more healthy.

Did you know that 1/3 of all insulin-dependent diabetics die of a heart attack before age 50? 50 is less than 20 years away, less than 15 for those of you who are counting... I need to do something to decrease my odds of this. I've been having some serious problems with my sugar lately. I need to do something to fix this. I've tried low-carb diets in the past. I've always had issues and ended up failing. So, now I'm trying something completely different. I read Eat to Live and was inspired to try that way of eating.

However, I quickly (by day 2) realized that I needed some chocolate. I figured out a way to work chocolate into this diet. I love it. In all honesty, some may not. It isn't very sweet and you may taste the avocado (though I do not). Try it, let me know what you think.

The Ingredients:

4 oz. Hass Avocado

2.5 TBS Cacao Powder

1 Ripe Banana

2 TBS Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk

The Directions:

Place all ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth. You could add a sweetener, like stevia, for added sweetness. However, the Eat to Live diet is sweetener-free (except for dates and other fruits). So, I didn't add any.

This makes 4 servings. Serve with fruit for dipping.

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