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I was an attorney living in New Jersey. I moved to Texas with my husband and now stay home with our toddler and infant. So, why not start a blog, right?

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Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's day with children has a whole new meaning. My baby is three months old and the flu is running rampant throughout the area, so I'm not taking him to the store to get a v-day present for my husband. So, what to do? Create something of course!

I made a handprint canvas, and my daughter will decorate the gift bag!

Start by painting the canvas. I chose a solid background in my daughter's favorite color to make the whole task easier. Ombre would also look very nice. I'm using simple crayola washable paint -- nothing expensive or fancy here!

Let the paint dry. Then the difficult part begins... Paint your child/children's hand (or hands) with a different color. Then place their hand flat on the canvas. Pick their hand straight up. That last step is the hard one. You can tell from my picture, my daughter thought she should wipe her hand off on the canvas--it's okay it's a memory we are making here. :-)

Let the paint dry. Then cover with modge podge. This last step isn't necessary, it just gives the whole project a bit more lasting power.

Did your canvas come with pieces of wood that you have no idea what to do with? These are called keys. They are to keep the canvas tight. Overtime, the canvas may sag. You can tighten the canvas by pushing the keys in.

Here is a picture of what they look like when they are in properly:

As for the gift bag, my daughter isn't quite two. I had a plain gift bag, gave her some crayons and let her do her thing. I'll let you use your imagination as to how it looked!

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